Art Guide Top 5 Exhibitions of the Week
I'm super happy and humbled that In the Exodus, I Love You More is named by Art Guide as one of the top five exhibitions of the week in...

The opening of my solo exhibition 'In the exodus, I love you more' @Brightspace Gallery
The very first installment of my long-term and ambitious project 'In the exodus, I love you more' @Brightspace gallery in St Kilda,...

Featured on Collective Hub, online journal of ART & DESIGN, CULTURE
I was interviewed by Collective Hub on the occasion of being included in the Instagram #MyStoryAu exhibition in Melbourne. Here you can...

Interview and Feature on Fisheye, the Online Journal of Photography
Hoda a 33 ans. Elle vit et travaille en Australie. Un jour, elle a quitté son pays natal, l'Iran. Une rupture qui a pour toujours marqué...

My Story Included in Instagram's Exhibition "#MyStroryAU" in Melbourne.
Feeling privileged to have my work included in Instagram's #MyStoryAUexhibition, launching in Melbourne on the 15th September. #MyStoryAU...

Hoda Afshar, Owen Leong, Simon Harsent, Ray Cook. “Fables of Change” curated by Alasdair Foster at t
The world in which we live today is a world of changes. Everything changes, and a barrage of effects links these changes together....

'In the exodus, I love you more' featured in iGNANT Magazine
This work is about Iran, my Iran, and my relationship to Iran: a relationship that has been shaped by my having been away; by that...

An extract from 'Waiting for the Barbarians' (WIP) is a part of 'Belonging', a group
This exhibition explores the complexity of contemporary Australian identity and belonging. The works bring together a diverse array of...

'In the exodus, I love you more' featured in Adventure Handbook
I left Iran nearly a decade ago. I left and moved to Australia—to the end of the earth—leaving much behind. And like all migrants, I miss...

Work from the 'Under Western Eyes' series included in a group exhibition entitled 'Victo
‘Victory’ seeks to highlight women photographers working in Victoria. Moving through landscape and manmade environments, the artists...