'Speak the Wind' at Monash Gallery of Art: 2 April 2022 to 26 June 2022
Hoda Afshar is one of Australia’s most intriguing photographic artists. Her work, which encompasses portraiture, both staged and...

WHEN THE WIND BLOWS: a group exhibition at Kunst Haus Wien Museum, Vienna. Opening 11.03.2022
22 international and Austrian artists make the invisible elements of breath, air and wind visible in different ways: Hoda Afshar, Bigert...

Review of Speak the Wind in The Brooklyn Rail by Maymanah Farhat

Featured in Art Guide: 'Hoda Afshar creates portraits of our time' by Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen

Photoworks Masterclasses
Photoworks is launching a debut programme of Masterclasses. Join our Winter School to learn more about photography this new year....

Elected as one of the 25 women of Hundred Heroines 2021
https://hundredheroines.org/ Hundred Heroines is the only UK charity dedicated to promoting women in photography. We have a vision : the...

AnOther: The Best Photos of 2021: Ten Powerful Projects by Women Photographers

Speak the Wind Reviewed by Neha Kale in the Autumn 2021 issue of ArtReview Asia

MACK LIVE: Hoda Afshar & Taous Dahmani: disrupting documentary and picturing the invisible

Artist Talk: Hoda Afshar with Brett Rogers, the director of The Photographer's Gallery in London