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'Just Images', commissioned essay for View Finding, MGA's 30th anniversary catalogue cel

MGA's 30th anniversary catalogue celebrating photography

This fully illustrated catalogue contains over 100 image plates and charts the history of the gallery, its present, and the future of photography in Australia.

A selection of leading lights who specialise in photography in Australia have contributed essays on different aspects of MGA’s Collection and exhibition history. Each author has a special and significant relationship with MGA.

Chapters: 1. Our history 2. The MGA Collection 3. Artistic program 4. Bowness Photography Prize 5. Artists and exhibitions 6. Celebrating 30 years

This publication was supported by MGA Philanthropic partners Gordon Darling Foundation, The Vizard Foundation, Bowness Family Foundation.

Contributors: Hoda Afshar, Natasha Bowness, John Gollings AM, Dr Shaune Lakin, Stella Loftus-Hills, Pippa Milne, Gael Newton AM, Anouska Phizacklea, Stephanie Richter, Jane Scott, Valerie Sparks, Dr Gareth Syvret, Barbara Thompson OAM, Stephen Zagala


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